Welcome: Global East Asia Technology Co.LTD

sales@global-antenna.com 86-371-65097986/371-60911368


About Panel Antenna

A panel antenna is a type of directional antenna that is commonly used in wireless communication systems to transmit and receive signals. These antennas are designed to focus their energy in a specific direction, allowing for increased signal strength and range. Panel antennas are often used in point-to-point communication links, such as connecting two buildings wirelessly or providing coverage in a specific area. They are known for their high gain and narrow beamwidth, which helps in reducing interference and improving signal quality. Panel antennas come in various sizes and configurations, making them versatile for different applications in the field of wireless communication.

Contact Us

Contact: Diana Xie

Phone: 86-15815571536

Tel: 86-371-65097986/371-60911368

Email: sales@global-antenna.com

Add: Add: Room826, Floor 8,BLDG 13, University Science Park(East), Zhengzhou City, P.R.Henan, China.Zip Code: 450000