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Vehicle Antenna

What are antennas used for on vehicles?

The primary role of a car antenna is to catch radio signals to allow you to listen to the radio while you're driving. In modern vehicles, it can also be used for modern features like GPS and Wi-Fi. In a nutshell, this antenna allows your car to receive uninterrupted wireless signals and radio

A smart vehicle antenna for defense and satellite communication is presented. Every military vehicle needs strong communication, and satellite communication is one of the best examples for communicating moving vehicles with the base station. The smart vehicle antenna consists of GPS capable of locating their exact location. A smart vehicle requires good broadband speed for communication. These smart vehicle antennas help transmit or receive the electromagnetics wave directly with satellite communication, which provides good broadband speed to the military or intelligent vehicle. The designed antenna exhibits low return loss from 4.2 to 15 GHz. The vehicle antenna was constructed with an FR4 substrate, and a 50Ω A-type connector feeds it. The optimum dimensions of the Smart vehicle antenna are 14*16*1.6 cubic millimeters. The proposed structure has good stable polarization, and it has a high gain of up to 3.63 dBi. In any weather condition, the signal remains constant because of its high antenna efficiency (83%). The smart vehicle antenna is compact with use in broadband which includes mobile satellite communication (4/6 and 7/9 GHz), defense communication from 8-12 GHz (X-band), WiMAX-5.5 GHz, and WLAN-5.2/5.8GHz applications.

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Contact Us

Contact: Diana Xie

Phone: 86-15815571536

Tel: 86-371-65097986/371-60911368

Email: sales@global-antenna.com

Add: Add: Room826, Floor 8,BLDG 13, University Science Park(East), Zhengzhou City, P.R.Henan, China.Zip Code: 450000